(The Satanic People Creating The OWO For Wealth, Power & Control of You -Rothschilds, Vatican, Rockefellers & Jews:
Crown, Oil, Central Banks (Money Changers),
Creators Of CIA, CFR, Trilateral Commission,
OWO Including One World Religion, U.N., etc.)
Selected Content
Myron Fagan-1967 Vol 1-3-Rothschild-Adam Weishaupt-Illuminati-Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The following are several alternate source URLs
WU opinion / comment: Stated in paragraph 21 of the transcript: “The details of how they accomplished the setting up of the CFR in the United States as also in the other nations, are far too voluminous to describe in this dissertation. But you can find it complete in news bulletin #122 entitled “UN is Spawn of the Illuminati”, and news bulletin #123 entitled “CFR Completely Unmasked as Illuminati”. Both are published by the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California. You can get them for 50 cents per copy by writing to that address. Those news bulletins reveal the names of the original founders of the Illuminati and the Americanized names of their descendants in the present CFR.”
WU Opinions/Comments: This video by Myron Fagan is a history that very few know, should have been yet was not taught in schools and universities and may well be the most important video you will hear (or transcript you will read) in your lifetime. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW! It is long yet even the beginning gives insight. It explains who the Illuminati are and their long-time patient process to infiltrate every nation on Earth to usher in a world order that will rule, control the military, dictate all religion and control what you can do, say, read and hear everywhere on Earth, from the Rothschild United Nations, all of which will enslave the masses. To counter this it is imperative that everyone who believes in the inalienable God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and believe the United States Constitution and the rule of law, and Nationalism for all nations, need to talk to everyone they know sharing this information.
Rumble Publication Date: May 1, 2024 | Truths Unlimited
WU Comment / Opinion: TI: 1:57 The Albert Pike letter to Mazzini talks about the need for three world wars to be able to usher in the OWO and describes what the wars will be about. TI: 20:53 The letter Jacob Rothschild wrote to his heirs tells them that they plan everything at least 50 – 100 years in advance.
Speech Date is Jun 30, 2023 at the Better way conference in Bath, UK | Rumble Publication Date may be Dec 12, 2023 | Rumble Channel: Larsring00
“…Conversation 3: From AI & Transhumanism to Being Human. Identifying the end goal of those in control is vital if we are to make the right choices as a species. Tranhumanism is simply the transitional stage towards Post humanism; a world without humanity as we know it. We must reject any step that gets as closer to a post human dystopian reality.”
YouTube Publication Date: Nov 18, 2020 | Viral News
WU opinion / comment: Myron Fagan explains in the The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations / 50 Year Old Recording Exposes Illuminati and the CFR video, transcript or audios that in the U.S. (one of the three city states – Vatican City, Crown of England and the District of Columbia) to propagandize to achieve willingness of the masses to support ushering in the one world order / Deep State / satanic plot to control the world, controls the mainstream media, TV broadcasts and the movie and music industries. This short video is a sad yet entertaining example of many different mainstream news broadcast stations saying the exact same script that they have been directed to propagandize to the masses as part of that process to obtain compliance. Note: The Fake News Parroting video is repeated in the Mockingbird section.
YouTube Publication Date: March 16, 2016 | Tom Jack
WU opinion / comment: Documents the history of the Rothschild banking system to unconstitutionally exist (the U.S. Constitution states that the U.S. is to produce its money), steal through interest the people’s money, control the people and move towards ushering in the one world order.
“Kevin Shipp, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Officer, intelligence and counter terrorism expert, held several high-level positions in the CIA.”
“Kevin Shipp, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Officer, intelligence and counter terrorism expert, held several high-level positions in the CIA.”
“Kevin Shipp, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Officer, intelligence and counter terrorism expert, held several high-level positions in the CIA.”
“Kevin Shipp reveals IN DETAIL how the Shadow Government (CIA) destroys whistleblowers. It includes information never made public, including the personal side of what a true whistleblower must face. He has decided to release this part of the speech to the public because of its importance”.
WU opinion / comment: The following is from the Millie Weaver website listed above:
“The tactical and operational roll the Shadow Government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump.”
“Two whistleblowers, Tore and Patrick Bergy, who both worked extensively within the Shadow Government as contractors have come forward with revelations that may be part of the biggest whistleblowing event to date.”
“This documentary is about real players behind the scenes who’s names never come up but should. According to these two whistleblowers, a small group of government contractors were hired by government officials to frame the Trump campaign, set him up for the “Russia Collusion” investigation, provided witnesses for the impeachment hearings, and provide administrative support services to the Department of Justice during the Mueller Investigation.”
“They also allege that this same group of contractors are behind the fake news in mainstream media, influence operations on social media, and the civil unrest nation wide pushing the defund the police movement.”
“These contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.”
“Since the release of this documentary, several of the government contracting companies mentioned have been removing pages from their websites.”
WU opinion / comment: The following is from the YouTube Channel, video time index 00:01:28: “Both parties are equally guilty of covering up what should turn out to be an even bigger scandal – SHADOW GATE. The tactical and operational role the shadow government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump. We’re going to be looking behind the puppets at who the real puppet masters string pullers are. The material presented in this documentary should concern people of all political affiliations. This is about real players. People who’s names never come up, but should. Courier politicians are definitely part of the beltway swamp. Even aspects of the deep state, but they are not the shadow government. The shadow government consists of government contractors, defense, intelligence, security and so on. Our government mostly consists of front facing desk jockeys that are compartmentalized in cubicles. They’re to cover up for the fact that most of the real work is outsourced to contractors, aka, the military industrial complex. That way, what the public sees through foyer requests, investigations, congressional hearings or otherwise is as clean as a whistle. All the dirty work is kept private with contractors in clandestine networks. These contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.” WU opinion / comment: All this is part of the attempt to usher in the OWO.
WU Comment / Opinion: TI 12:09 Illegals are allowed through the border, put on planes in the middle of the night and transported to different cities. At TI 13:35 X22 Report explains the true agenda.
“This is the result of financial manipulation and suppression of a country to change world policy and create a misery for the people and untold wealth for the few! The Rothschild’s and others have hijacked the US government, put in place its private army (NATO) and is calving the world to its own ideal.”
Rumble Publication Date: June 9, 2021 | X22 Report
WakingUp Comment / Opinion: At time index 10:15, X22 Report begins talking about leaked IRS documents showing that the elites do not pay taxes like the rest of us regular people.
“The woke companies are having a problem, why can’t they pay their employees to work, why do they need them to volunteer.Inflation is coming and banks are now warning the public, people are noticing and showing others.Leaked IRS docs shows the people that the elite do not pay taxes like the rest of us.”