WU Comment / Opinion: TI 16: 28 Comment / Opinion: The enemy does not believe in God and does not want to die, but rather want to develop a humanoid form that they can download their consciousness into and then when that form dies, transfer their consciousness into the next humanoid form.
TI 18:43 “…Yuval Noah Harari. Now this is a bad boy. I want to talk about him. Uhm, he is called the prophet by Klaus Schwab…” (World Economic Forum [WEF].) “… Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and Obama calls him his favorite author, he did it on CNN. So what does Yuval Noah Harari say? Just one man, a little short guy, but he is messaging and influencing the thought patterns of the richest and most powerful people on the planet. So maybe we should know what he says. He said the following. This is verbatim, look it up: Humans are hackable animals. If you can hack an animal, you can engineer it with intelligent design. But not with some God intelligence, above the clouds, but with human intelligent design. For we are now gods. There’s no free will, there’s no soul and, this is my favorite, covid-19 will be an inflection point in history when 24/7, uh, digital surveillance went under the skin. You know, in 2016, Klaus Schwab gave an interview on a French media platform, I saw it with subtitles, and he said something extremely puzzling. No one could figure it out. That in 10 years, by 2026, every single human being will be tagged with a digital identifier, internally. So, before I ask the “why”, I’d rather ask “how”. How do you logistically get seven billion people to willingly, uh, get injected or implanted with some type of technology that allows for them to be surveilled? I have an idea. How about you manufacture a global crisis. Create global fear, psychosis. Then offer a false solution, which has nothing to do with covid-19, because if it did, why would we vaccinate 6 month old children? According to the CDC, children have a 99.998% chance of recovery from covid with no treatment. It’s actually safer than the flu. There’s no medical reason to do, to inject them with something that is leaving a .. uh, the Sherman March is child’s play as compared to what this vaccine is doing, it’s a carnage, why would I inject that into a child, not for medical reasons, there are other reasons, which we’ll discuss, but one of them is to transition the world to a world of maximum control, surveillance, and in other words, slavery. You know, slavery has been a biblical and historic phenomenon. Given in this country that 150 years ago, we had slaves, I mean it’s not that long ago and in many parts of the world they still have slaves. Why? Because slavery has always been the most lucrative, uh, commodity and business venture in history. So, there is a component here of controlling human behavior. Now, there is patent evidence that these vaccines have, uh, sensors in them, already, these are United States patents that allow for the measurement of biometric data.” … “But also transmit that with your location to a third party.” (Ann Vandersteel asks why do they have to layer so many vaccines because they are now saying you have get a booster every six months if you are an adult?) “I’ll tell you why. When, the the computer systems of Pfizer and Moderna were hacked, what we discovered was that all the vials of the lot numbers contained different concentrations of different formulations. Now you would think that one of the jobs of the FDA is that someone in America will be getting the same thing as someone in Europe. But that’s not the case. We found that some of the lot numbers were 5,000% or 50x more lethal than others. So think about it, if we would give everyone that vial, and everyone just started dying, who would continue to take it? (Ann Vandersteel interjects that that’s what we’ve seen if you look at the website https://howbad.info/ … and you can see the ones that have had the more deaths, the more adverse effects, etc. … The military is now testing for HIV and more. She thinks that a lot of our military haven’t taken the jab because they know that it is lethal…) “That was the point. And, let’s discuss the real motives here so that people understand. And, again, I have documentation for all of this, but if you look, uh, October 2020, the FDA gave a presentation to its own scientists, and it got leaked. Slide 16 of that presentation lists all the side effects to be expected from these vaccinations. Now that’s two months prior to the rollout. I didn’t know that the FDA had prophetic powers, but I guess they do because, now 15, 16 months later, we have millions of data points from the Vaers database and the EuroVision database, which is the equivalent in Europe to have 100% correlation with what the FDA said what was going to happen, to actually what happened. And so what happened? Well, a lot of people died from within a short period of time of getting a vaccine. People’s lifespans have been decreased because of increase of cancer and auto-immune diseases, miscarriage rates have from 10 to 82% in the first trimester and people have become infertile. That’s a brilliant weapon in eugenics. So that’s one component. The second component is the surveillance component. And I didn’t just finish the duration because, it’s important, there is tracking technology, we already know that, there’s actually evidence of it under the microscope, uh, in these vaccines. But, so what. Well, there’s a patent, like you said, that Microsoft owns that allows the linkage of biometric data to the use of cryptocurrency. That’s important and we’ll discuss in a minute why. But, the other thing that these vaccines do, you just have to listen to the words of evil of the Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates because evil has a certain property, and I don’t know if you noticed, they like to brag to you what they are doing before they do it, before they do it. For example, Hitler published Mein Kampf years before he took power. He laid it out there what I’m going to do. He didn’t hide it. And so, what are they saying. They say it like this. These vaccines change who you are, Klaus Schwab. These vaccines change who you are. What does that mean? He said it because they modify your genomic code. Think about that. We can now really manipulate, uh, splice in or splice out code at will. If I wanted to, I can splice in the code of a horse into a person. Or, I can splice out a tumor suppressor gene and cause a spike in cancer. So, I mean, would you give Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates access to your email and passwords? How about your genetic code that makes you – that you’re made in the image of God in that code.”
Rumble Publication Date: April 11, 2022 | Steel Truth Media
At Time Index (“TI”) 52:50, Dr. Ardis: “I have said non-stop for the last 6 months I believe they’re poisoning us through the water. But I didn’t know how they were doing it. You guys are all drinking venom in your water. They’ve synthesized this actual, these peptides specific in these venoms of snakes – they’re putting it in your water and they’re targeting specific cities, communities, nursing homes around the world and they’re targeting blacks, Native American reservations, the hispanics – hispanic big time communities, the elderly in nursing homes, they’re targeting LBGTQ communities and if you don’t believe me, go look at cdc.gov’s covid data tracker, on the left hand side you’ll see this weird thing it says waste water surveillance system. Go click it and look at all the cities that they’re messing with your water. I wouldn’t trust the CDC for a second. Two weeks ago they said, Wolensky did of the CDC, that they’re increasing their water surveillance testing sites in America from 400 to 647. They’re not letting this go. Beware of the water, they’ve figured out how to do this. Now I’m just going to tell you – it’s not just the water – they’re poisoning you with snake venom. They’re not just poisoning you with water that has snake venom in it and peptides synthesized in a lab. They’re then actually targeting you with Remdesivir which is from snake venom from Genentech and Gilead, they’re pumping that into your veins in a hospital to kill you. Every single known adverse event published or adverse side effect of Remdesivir is identical to King Cobra venom poisoning including the prothombin time – that is a tall tale sign of cobra venom poisoning. OK, so then number 3 they’re now using MRNA from snake venom and pumping it into your veins. This whole thing is to accomplish one goal – everybody is kind of hinting on it –they think there’s, nah, no technology in the shots to cause the mark of the beast, right. They talk about this mark of the beast. They’re using nanotechnology, hydrogel, parasites. That’s not what they’re doing. That’s not even all of what they’re doing. They’re actually inserting the serpents DNA and figured out how to get the MRNA of snake venom gene sequences to insert themselves into your human, God created DNA to make you a beast, an animal, a hybrid, a chimera – that’s what they’re doing.
WU Opinion/Comment: Starting at TI 1:05:04, listen carefully to the ties between Covid 19 and the Vatican Pope and then go listen to the videos in the WakingUp.info Table of Contents (“TOC”) 3 City States section.
At TI 1:06:58
Dr. Ardis: “…the 19 is not the designation for the year 2019, 19 is the number of toxins in cobra venom that were determined by Genentech bought by Gilead in 2011 and did all the research on King cobra vemon and I isolated the 19, but just so you know, I do not find it ironic that Dr. Bryan Fry in Australia in 2005 was able to isolate the gene sequences of viper venoms and came up with 19 specific neurotoxins in viper venom and then in the same year SARS Covid-1 is unleashed on the world. You know, they’ve done this twice. They figured out Hydroxychloroquine worked best against SARS Covid-1. I bet it was the same thing and they figured out that Hydroxychloroquine blocked the effects of the venom in SARS Covid-1. That’s why Anthony Fauci said 15 years later in 2020 you can’t use it against SARS Covid-2. It’s just the accentuation. The first plan was 2005.”
Anne: “Dr Ardis, quickly, the best courses of treatment if you’ve been vaccinated, if you’ve been put on Remdesivir, if you’ve drank something and you got it in the water or whatever, what are the solutions to combat this?”
Dr. Ardis: “A great question. So number 1 – zinc is number 1. Cobra venom and Remdesivir and in Krait venom it ties to what are called zinc ion receptors. So, take lots of zinc – it binds to that. Hydroxychloroquine – the best drug we know to block it. Ivermectin also works, it’s also phenomenal. I will tell you if you’ve received the vaccines, you received the shots, you’ve gotten Remdesivir, you have Long Haulers Syndrome, it was already proven and shown that for Krait venom cobra venom envenomation or poisoning there’s an herb called Cowhage c-o-w-h-a-g-e, Macuna Pruriens is its name. Get the liquid extract, take a dropper full morning and evening, it helps to negate and remove that from your body. And everyone who has taken the mRNA vaccines needs to be taking N Acetyl Cystine – all of you should. Go to https://thedrardisshow.com/ and buy it there, use the promo code STEEL10 – it doesn’t matter – go get it somewhere – you have to get on this. We know it stops the blood clotting effects of the mRNA snake venom peptides that are in that shot that are causing you to have micro clots all throughout your body. You have to get on those 4 things: zinc, make sure you’re not drinking tap water – avoid tap water like the plague. They can poison other water or sources, for now just make sure you are avoiding that and try to use reverse osmosis filtering.”
Anne: “What about a Berkey, no bueno?”
Dr. Ardis: “Anything is better than nothing. So yes, please use something, just not straight tap water.”
Anne: “OK. Dr. Ardis thank you very much. This is incredible what you’ve uncovered and I actually going to tell you I believe 100% of what you’re saying because you’ve shown all the open source evidence. You’ve shown dozens and dozens of documents and it all corroborates exactly what you are explaining here.”
Dr. Ardis: “And everyone needs to watch the Blacklist episode 415 – watch it and I need to tell you something Anne Vandersteel, this was in September 2016 when they released that season 2016 this, you can’t understand or underestimate the symbolism here. I told you it was season 4, episode 15. I want you to add those two numbers together.”
Anne: “Nineteen.”
Dr. Ardis: “You have to watch Blacklist season 4, episode 15 – it tells you the entire plot of covid-19. They even reference Corona of Death…”
Rumble Publication Date: April 12, 2022 | Steel Truth Media
Rumble Publication Date: May 21, 2022 | X22 Report Spotlight
WU Opinion/Comment: TI 47:05 American Indians had a treatment for small pox.
WU Opinion/Comment: TI 47:25 extract from the leaves of a plant called seracina pareporia which is the American picture plant (the plant eats flies).
WU Opinion/Comment: TI 51:47 Z Detox based on EGCG, which instead of Quericetin, is a green tea extract, which according to peer review, is a very powerful zinc delivery system (greater than Quericetin). Also have NAC, which prevents blood clots. According to Dr. Peter MaCulla, there is evidence of micro heart attacks in a huge % of people that got injected that is due to blood clots. Dr. Zelenko still recommends for the high risk patients HCQ and Ivermectin
Rumble Publication Date: May 18, 2022 | Steel Truth Media
Rumble Publication Date: Mar 5, 2021 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report
YouTube Publication Date: Jan 10, 2022 | YouTube Channel: ProjectVeritas
WU Comment / Opinion: TI 00:29 Project Veritas Obtained Military Documents Regarding Origins of Covid 19, Gain Of Function Research, Potential Treatments, which have be suppressed and the Governments efforts to CONCEAL all of this…
WU Comment / Opinion: TI 3:00 “Maj. Joseph Murphy, USMC, a former DARPA fellow. Major Murphy makes claims in his report to the inspector general that if true (pics are shown of the WHO and CDC) could be damning to the official narrative that has been played out to the world over the past two years.” …
WU Comment / Opinion: TI 4:15 “1. SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program a the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), as suggested by the reporting surrounding the lab leak hypothesis. The details of this program have been concealed since the pandemic began. These details can be found in the EcoHealth Alliance proposal response to the DARPA PREEMPT program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR00118S0017, dated March 2018 – a document not yet publicly disclosed.”
Publication Date: Aug 18, 2020 | Author Mikki Willis | Hosted on DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM by LONDONREAL and Plandemic Series
odysee Publication Date: April 26, 2021 | odysee Channel: @Pistol
Rumble Publication Date: January 29, 2022 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report
Rumble Publication Date: Jan 26, 2022 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report
WU Comment/Opinion: Ti 20:32 – 22:15 Jen Psaki reveals why the Biden admin blocked/used fraudulent studies to withhold virus prophylactics/therapeutics from the people …. agenda to vaccinate and booster them as a result of gain of function research Fauci funded with our tax funded dollars at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to keep the “pandemic” going: and in WU’s opinion based upon the information on this site, to control, enslave and depopulate the people.
Rumble Publication Date: Jan 8, 2022 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report Spotlight
Rumble Publication Date: Dec 10, 2021 | Rumble Channel: StewPetersShow
Rumble Publication Date: Dec 9, 2021 | Rumble Channel: StewPetersShow
Rumble Publication Date: December 8, 2021 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report
WU Comment / Opinion: TI 26:42 pfizer CEO pushes shots while not taking them for “legal” reasons. TI 26:42 failed vaccines. TI 31:29 Covid Immunity.
Rumble Publication Date: Dec 9, 2021 | Rumble Channel: StewPetersShow
Runble Publication Date: Dec 1, 2018 | Runble Channel: X22 Report
Judy Mikovits Phd; Antidote For Vaccine Toxin And Warns Against Dangerous Fake One, First Published Oct 20, 2021. Note: This video is also in the “Virus Therapeutics” section.
Dr. Judy Mikovits has four books: ENDING PLAGUE: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases and The Case Against Masks Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should be Limited. They are available at: The Great Awakening Books
https://www.thegreatawakeningbooks.com/product-category/judy-mikovits/and at the time of this writing, at Amazon in hardback and as Kindle books
At time Index 9:24, Dr. Judy Mikovits Phd states: “I was first on the Epoch Times April 8, 2020 telling them all of this, showing them the Journal of Virology paper that showed hydroxychloroquine is prophylactic treatment strategy for HIV, for SARS … the entire world could have been saved by hydroxychloroquine.”
At time index 25:36 Dr. Judy Mikovits Phd mentions that Chlorine Dioxide is a cure for cancer and autism.
At time index 29:05 Dr. Judy Mikovits Phd states a brief overview of her Multifunctional Treatment Method that is covered in her ENDING PLAGUE book referred to above.
Dr Michael Yeadon: A FINAL WARNING TO HUMANITY, source URLs:
Rumble Publication Date: Jul 23, 2021 | Rumble Channel: mattyivanovic
BITCHUTE Publication Date: May 16, 2021 | Important Covid Videos
BITCHUTE Publication Date: Jun 1, 2021 | Sam45
BITCHUTE Publication Date: May 16, 2021 | Important Covid Videos
Rumble Publication Date: May 21, 2021 | Rumble Channel:
Published Nov 15, 2021 | Steel Truth Media
Published October 14, 2021 | John Di Lemme – CBJ Real News Podcast Show
“Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee and biotech analyst, joins John Di Lemme LIVE on the CBJ Real News Podcast Show to discuss the vaccine bioweapon, what’s in it, why it’s harmful to our bodies, and how it can be used to track humans. This truth will blow your mind, and she backs it up with proof!”
BitChute Publication Date: August 10, 2021 | BitChute Channel: Starblazer692003
Rumble Publication Date: Nov 19, 2021 | Rumble Channel: Steel Truth Media
Rumble Publication Date: Jan 10, 2021 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report
WU Comment / Opinion: TI 25:05 OWO Vaccine Agenda
Information security expert on revealed Pfizer agreements: ‘There’s good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details of these contracts’
Before Its News Publication Date: Thursday, September 16, 2021
BitChute Publication Date: July 9, 2021 | BitChute Channel: ProgressiveTruthSeekers
BitChute Publication Date: July 26, 2021 | BitChute Channel: ProgressiveTruthSeekers
Rumble Publication Date: October 30, 2021 | X22 Report
Rumble Publication Date: October 29, 2021 | X22 Report
FrankSpeech.com Publication Date: August 18, 2021 | FrankSpeech.com Channel: War Room Owen Shroyer Banned.Video
Rumble Publication Date: Apr 29, 2021 | The New American
BitChute Publication Date: May 30, 2021 | debess
BitChute Publication Date: June 4, 2021 | BitChute Channel: Chembuster
Rumble Publication Date: July 28, 2021 | Rumble Channel: Bannons War Room
Banned.Video Publication Date: August 19, 2021 | Banned.Video Channel: The Alex Jones Show
Rumble Publication Date: Jan 7, 2021 | Rumble Channel: vincentrhodestv
Rumble Publication Date: July 21, 2021 | Rumble Chanel: NewsParadigm
Rumble Publication Date: March 6, 2021 | Rumble Channel: NewsParadigm
BitChute Publication Date: June 21, 2021 | BitChute Channel: T4Japan
odysee Publication Date: April 9, 2020 | odysee Channel: AwarenessRevolution
Rumble Publication Date: Jan 4, 2022 | Rumble Channel: novaxer420