WU Comment / Opinion: TI 23:30 NIH website: “The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.”
Publication Date: Aug 18, 2020 | Author Mikki Willis | Hosted on DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM by LONDONREAL and Plandemic Series
“This Affects All of Us”
“Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the decision makers that are currently managing this crisis.”
“We did it.
The Digital Freedom Platform by London Real exclusively livestreamed what might be the most important documentary you will ever see: PLANDEMIC – INDOCTORNATION.
Created by the team behind the game-changing Plandemic video segment from Mikki Willis featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits that went viral and was banned on every major social media platform for exposing the truth about Covid-19, this new FEATURE LENGTH PIECE which is the most revelatory film on what is driving the vaccine agenda, the various roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci and more.
Going deep into what is really happening with mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech giants, big pharma and our health protection agencies, Mikki’s new film finally connects the dots…
… And we are excited to be able to share this with you…
We believe that this film will fundamentally shift the discourse around Coronavirus, the lockdown and the vested interests involved.”
WU opinion / comment: Illuminati created viruses > fears > CIA / CFR fake news > lock down > mail in voting = voter fraud + if the Illuminati’s version of the new monetary system is implemented instead of President Trumps for the people new monetary system = Illuminati ushering in the OWO satanic plot, as described by Myron Fagan (at the beginning of this section)
Publication Date: April – May 2020 | Author Mikki Willis | Hosted on DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM by LONDONREAL and Plandemic Series
“It all began after a 3 hour interview with whistleblower & scientist, Judy Mikovits. Her testimony shines light on the depth of corruption behind key players in our global healthcare system, after this discussion, there was no turning back.”
WU Comment / Opinion: Gates, Fauci and potentially more develop the coronavirus infectious to humans and vaccines to perpetuate the virus, variants and other viruses, begins at TI 9:00
WU Comment / Opinion: Note that this interview with Dr. Zelenko is also in the “Vaccines, PART OF Depopulation, Illuminati OWO, U.N. Agenda 21, Gates/Fauci, Pathogens, DNA&RNA Mod, Quick & Slow Kill” section.
Rumble Publication Date: June 2, 2021 | X22 Report
WakingUp Comment/Opinion: Coronavirus information begins at time index 15:49
“The [DS] is in trouble. Everything they have done or are trying to do is being exposed. Emails were released that shows Fauci knew that covid was engineered and funded. That the spread of the virus was not asymptomatic, that there were drugs that would cure it and he explained in his emails that masks do not work. There was no reason for the lockdowns. The [DS] is panicking, they don’t know Trumps next move. The states are leading the charge and the audits will reveal the truth.”