WakingUp.info > Medical Right To Consent

Medical Right To Consent

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BitChute Publication Date: August 10, 2021 | BitChute Channel: Starblazer692003
WU Comment/Opinion: At Time Index (“TI”) 16:25, Former Pfizer Employee, Karen Kingston begins explaining that the memo written by Dawn Johnson, acting assistant AG to the President regarding mandates being allowed is unenforceable, the campaigns and propaganda are lies to terrify people to get injected, which is a violation of human rights and the memo, under title code 21, which is what this falls under, violates four sections of drug safety.
WU Comment/Opinion: Individuals should consider standing up, refusing to be injected banding together to employ help from one or more attorneys to file a class action lawsuit against vaccine propaganda, lies and attempts to force injections. Possible resources for help might include Frontline Doctors https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/legal/ and Barnes Law https://www.barneslawllp.com/. WU’s opinion is that the campaigns and propaganda terrifying people to get injected is fraud for financial gain and control over the people. Karen Kingston explained that the memo from Dawn Johnson is unenforceable and also violates four sections of title code 21 of drug safety. The attempts to force and control human medical procedures are violations of the Nuremberg Code (1947) … extended into general codes of medical ethics … The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body https://wakingup.info/nuremberg-code, Geneva Convention, UN Charter, International Criminal Court Laws, the US Constitution and the Declaration of Geneva.
Push Back Against Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccinations https://defendingtherepublic.org/covid/
“Make a Difference: If you are an attorney interested in representing persons with claims arising from mandatory vaccines or masks, or other COVID related matters, please share your information here and we will provide your information to those that inquire from the same state.”
“‘Form Examplars’ for you to use or to consult with an attorney:”
Assumption of Liability – in the case of mandatory vaccinations to retain employment or for other work or school related benefits, consider to demand that the employer or school have an authorized representative sign the assumption of liability agreement. A refusal to sign this will make more clear your right to refuse the jab to the organization pressuring you.https://defendingtherepublic.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/LIABILITY-ASSUMPTION-COVI-19-EUA-VACCINATIONS-AGREEMNT-EMP-1.docx
Religious Exemptions:
Learn How to Fight Mandatory Injections from Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes https://www.bitchute.com/video/xEYx6NCH4BGa/
BitChute Publication Date: August 5, 2021 | BitChute Channel: Starblazer692003
Ep 2545b-MI No Such Agency-Key POTUS & Patriots-Stone Everything Revolves Around P 2020 Election https://rumble.com/vkrytb-ep.-2545b-mino-such-agency-keypotus-and-patriots-stoneeverything-revolves-a.html
Rumble Publication Date: August 5, 2021 | Rumble Channel: X22 Report
WU Comment / Opinion: At time index (“TI”) 25 minutes, Sydney Powell begins discussing that is NOT legal to mandate vaccines.
WU Paraphrase From A Portion Of The Video: Can go to DefendingtheRepublic.org/covid to view and / or download form templates that you can modify for religious exemption for vaccines (Protestant and Catholic) and an assumption of liability form. Regarding the assumption of liability form, have your employer or whoever is trying to force / pressure you to get the vaccine to keep your job, fill out the assumption of liability form. Don’t quit your job. Make them fire you, as this should be better for you in the end because you may be able to use a wrongful termination defense. Additionally, you can tell them you are deferring your decision until the clinical trials are over in 2 years and the safety data is analyzed and available so you can exercise informed consent.
WU Paraphrase From A Portion Of The Video: Forcing / pressuring someone to get the vaccine violates the Nuremberg code, Geneva convention, UN charter, International Criminal Court Laws, US Constitution and Declaration of Geneva.
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