“Congratulations, and many thanks to all involved in the past two years of discoveries ! Dozens of researchers contributing to the effort… r3zn8d, DAWdesign, tatoott1009, Bethanyhome7, WaronerrorDkos, the “Girls of Adepto ‘er Perfectus” group, and many more from the research community.”
“2 years worth of study, and documentation…..Finally culminating in the proof needed to show anyone , that indeed our weather professionals are KNOWINGLY pulsing storms with high frequency from ground based stations (such as NEXRAD RADAR stations), to have an effect on the weather.”
“*Geo-engineering Frankenstorm — Hurricane Sandy weather modification proved*”
“Frequency manipulation of hurricanes.. finally documented in an easy to follow format.”
“In essence, what we have captured are NEXRAD RADAR pulses into Hurricanes Irene AND Sandy ( pulses formerly known as HAARP rings ) —– additionally, multiple researchers recorded two large scale microwave events , manipulating the center of each storm … this was done during BOTH Hurricanes (a year apart) as they passed north of the Bahamas.”
“During the same timeframe of the NEXRAD RADAR pulses seen above during each Hurricane… multiple people observed the appearance of large Microwave blasts into the center of the storms (Irene and Sandy) — the microwave bursts coming from downrange near the Arecibo radio observatory.”
“This year, Oct. 2012, right before the microwave blast into the center of Hurricane Sandy — we saw POSSIBLE TORNADOES be detected over Puerto Rico (where Arecibo is located — where the blast seems to come from)”
“For us to see TWO frequency pulse events like this occur …. one in 2011, one in 2012 …. BOTH hurricanes (Irene and Sandy) coming up the east coast — the chances of these large NEXRAD pulses from North Carolina , and microwave blasts from Arecibo — going into the center of each storm no less — the chances of that being some kind of an accident, or some kind of an anomaly are now reduced to ZERO.”
“There is a 0 % chance of anything other than INTENTIONAL weather modification using a NEXRAD and a HAARP type facility in concert with one another.”
“We’ve seen it happen each time now, as the Hurricanes pass north of the Bahamas , they are first pulsed with a NEXRAD RADAR Frequency Pulse from a station along the coast in North Carolina , then the Hurricanes are blasted with a high frequency microwave transmission from the huge array in Puerto Rico.”
“The NEXRAD RADAR frequency pulse happening each time ahead of the Hurricane ( something which I have called HAARP rings in the past) is a confirmation 100% that RADAR is being used in ‘pulse mode’ to have an effect on the weather directly. Each time the storm makes landfall just north of North Carolina.”
“It would seem the storms are being pulled in to the ground based station by the NEXRAD RADAR pulse, and pushed/heated by the microwave burst.”
“It should not be shocking, if you have followed these events at all over the past 2 years of the “discovery process”, that a high frequency pulse from a NEXRAD RADAR, and a microwave burst from a HAARP facility (Arecibo) would be used in conjunction with each other to influence the weather.”
YouTube Publication Date: Nov 5, 2012 | YouTube Channel: dutchsinse
YouTube Publication Date: Aug 26, 2011 | YouTube Channel: dutchsinse
YouTube Publication Date: Oct 28, 2013 | YouTube Channel: dutchsinse
“The director of the National Weather Service, and the director of the Storm Prediction Center might need to do some reading (by the sound of their talking points) or possibly they are INTENTIONALLY OBFUSCATING when asked simple questions about current activities in regards to weather modification.”
“Using 1970’s “project stormfury” as an example when asked publicly about current operations… particularly the denial of current 2012, and 2013 operations.. saying that the NWS / NOAA quote “don’t know where” they are flying, saying the information is PRIVATE .. lol…”
“Nevermind there’s a NOAA weather modification form that must be filled out before operations begin.. nevermind results have to be reported to NOAA. Nevermind NOAA partnered up with Idaho Power to produce snow augmentation in 2012…… just a few examples of many, point being, they’re either MAJORLY ignorant on important weather related topics, or they are telling lies to hide current operations.”
“Classic spin, using outdated examples, along with literal denial of knowledge of said activities.”
“Watch the whole documentary here: Q&A with the USDA, Council on Foreign Relations, NWS, the Storm Prediction Center, and several others…”
YouTube Publication Date: Sep 28, 2013 | YouTube Channel: dutchsinse
A documentary covering the topics of Genetically Modified food (GMO’s) , and Weather Modification.
Featuring interviews with:
Dr. Louis Uccellini – Director of the National Weather Service (NWS)
Dr. Russell Schneider – Director of the Storm Prediction Center (SPC / NOAA)
Tom Vilsack – US Secretary of Agriculture (USDA)
Michael Levi – Spokesperson for the Council on Foreign Relations
Dr. Rosalind Peterson – ADC President
Dr. Joel Gruver – Professor of Agriculture WIU
Dr. Kent Bradford – Professor of plant sciences UC Davis
Hon. Luc Gnacadja – Secretary of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse – Rhode Island (D)
Also interviews with Representatives of Cargill / Monsanto, multiple Non-GMO activists, and entrepreneur / startup food co-ops.
All morphed microwave background images (MIMIC/SSEC ) shown in all the videos can be found here: Global:
Michael Yuri Janitch aka Dutchsinse websites:
YouTube Publication Date: Dec 28, 2018 | YouTube Channel: ClimateViewer
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Jim Lee ClimateViewer
YouTube Publication Date: Nov 18, 2018 | Jim Lee ClimateViewer
I have been researching the topic of space weather control for over seven years now and this presentation is the culmination of all that work.
When I started back in 2011, everything was “a HAARP.” NEXRAD doppler radars, ELF and VLF transmission sites, and anything that had more than one tower. This presentation will explain in great detail what an ionospheric heater is, what they do, and why they do it.
This presentation is a history lesson as well as a manual for understanding the electromagnetic modifications being made to our magnetosphere and ionosphere. I hope this presentation will separate fact from fiction for you, and I hope that you will click the reference links contained herein to continue learning about this fascinating topic.
Understanding that much of this topic contains still-classified research and little known history, there will always be skepticism about some aspects of this presentation. Tesla’s technology is in the hands of military operators. Though many of these facilities are now run by universities and scientific bodies, we cannot account for the activities of boat or satellite-based ionospheric heaters which are in use today.
If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or concerns regarding this presentation, please feel free to email me at jim@climateviewer.com or leave a comment below.
YouTube Publication Date: Oct 7, 2018 | Jim Lee ClimateViewer
Waking Up Comment: See TI: 24:50, Contrail Control [cloud seeding increasing planetary atmospheric temperature].
Publication Date: May 23, 2018 | Jim Lee ClimateViewer